Location Data Server for NodeJS

I have built my first NodeJS package that provides a json backend to api.piperpal.com and published it on https://www.npmjs.com/package/location-server/ const express = require(‘express’);const bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’);const axios = require(‘axios’); const app = express();const port = 3000; app.use(express.static(‘public’));app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.get(‘/location-server-time’, async (req, res) => {const { timeOut, timeBegin, timeEnd } = req.query;try {const response… Continue reading Location Data Server for NodeJS

Categorized as Node

Location Name Service (LNS) DRAFT 2012-04-14 17:25:00

http://as.engineering/Specifications/LNS-SPEC-Protocol-2012-04-14.pdf Location Name Service (LNS) DRAFT 2012-04-14 17:25:00 Table of Contents A. LNS VOCABULARYA. 1. LNS MobileA. 2. LNS ServerA. 3. LNS DeviceA. 4. LNS ActionA. 5. LNS AgencyA. 6. LNS AskA. 7. LNS BidA. 8. LNS Match B. LNS PROCESSESB. 1. LNS MobileB. 2. LNS ServerB. 2. a. LNS Time Server <-> Mobile/DeviceB. 2.… Continue reading Location Name Service (LNS) DRAFT 2012-04-14 17:25:00